With winter coming to an end, and as we look ahead to Spring you know what that means? More family road trips, events and trips with your pets!  And as your family packs up your car to head out on your next road trip, you can’t forget about your pets at home! As many pets have largely stayed at home over the past year and a half, it’s crucial that you and your family make sure that you don’t forget to help your pet relax as you hit the road and head to your next family event or ski trip.


So what helps with pet anxiety? CBD tinctures and CBD treats for pets do. As we’ve outlined, CBD has an assortment of benefits for your pet. As your pups are struggling with traveling and visiting new people as the weather gets warmer, CBD can be the solution for those looking for natural options to prescription anti-anxiety drugs and their potentially harmful side effects.

So how does CBD help calm down your pets? Pet CBD (cannabidiol) oil supplements are extracted from industrial hemp (sativa) plants which have high levels of CBD and virtually no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties). This difference is crucial because THC can be toxic to dogs and pets but CBD is safe, so always make sure you give your dog CBD made for pets with 0.3% THC or less. CBD Oil (found in tinctures and pet treats) CBD offers the calming your dog needs without the THC, so you can be assured that your dog won’t get high. Your dog will simply experience mild relaxation! 


According to the Humane Society of the United States, “more pet owners and veterinarians are looking CBD to help as a new solution to helping relieve pain and anxiety for pets. It can help relieve inflammation in pets”  as Dr. Gary Ritcher says making it a fantastic natural solution to helping pets with anxiety, arthritis, and chronic issues.


Ways to take pet CBD: Pet CBD can be given to pets in two different forms, treats and tinctures. So before you hit the road for your next trip, don’t forget to stock up on CBD to ensure your pet can stay extra calm, and you can help combat your pet’s anxiety with CBD. 


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